tulsion® t-42h 是均粒强酸型阳离子交换树脂,氢h+/钠na+均粒阳离子交换树脂,适用于高浓度氨氮去除,也可适用于其他浓度氨氮去除系统。
tulsion® t-42h 强酸型阳离子交换树脂,是一款具有较高的交换容量,同时拥有佳的物理及化学稳定品质。可以应用于高浓度氨氮废水处理中,出水氨氮可达到0.1ppm以下。
tulsion® t-42h 其均匀的颗粒直径,具有传统的离子交换树脂无法取代的优势,可以减少压力损,延长树脂寿命,保证出水品质。
典型特性(typical characteristics):tulsion t-42 h
主体结构/matrix structure cross linked polystyrene
型式(type) strong acid cation exchange resin
物理型式/physical form 湿润球状/moist spherical beads
官能团/functional group 磺酸基/sulphonic
粒径particle size (mesh) particle less than 0.3mm max. 1%
均匀系数(uniformity coefficient) max. 1.25
平均粒径(harmonic mean size) 580 + 50 um
全交换容量(total exchange capacity) 1.80 meq/ ml
离子型式(ionic form) hydrogen (h+)
膨胀係数(swelling (approximately)) 7% from na+ to h+ form.
湿度/moisture content 53%
密度(backwash settled density) 800-840 g/l in h+ form
允许温度(maximum temp. stability) 120°c in h+ form
ph范围/ph range 0 - 14
溶解率(solubility) insoluble in all common solvents
操作条件(operation conditions): tulsion t-42 h
操作溫度上限(operating temperature , max 0 c) 120
操作ph 范围(operating ph range ) 0 – 14
树脂床高度下限(bed depth , mini mm) 800
上限(service flow rate ,maxi ) 120 m3/hr/ m3
逆洗水量(backwash flow rate) 9 to 25 m3/hr/ m3
逆洗浮動空間(back wash expansion) 40 to 75%
再生药剂(regenerant ) hcl, h2so4 for h+ form,
再生药剂用量(regeneration levels. ) 30 to 120 gms hcl/ lit.
40 to 250 gms h2so4/ lit.
再生药剂浓度(regeneration concentration) 3 - 5% hcl, 1.5 to 3% h2so4
通再生药剂时间(regeneration contact time, mini) 20 min.
再生流量(regeneration flow rate ) 5 to 16 m3/hr/ m3
regeneration slow rinse 2 bv mini.
快洗用水(fast rinse ) service flow rate.
快洗水量(fast rinse volume) 2 to 3 bv
- 地址:孝感 孝感市城站路百佳宏业2栋1单元708室
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