Premium Pharmaceutical Grade Resin
Tulsion® 335 (Polacrilex) is highly purified crosslinked polyacrylic copolymer in Hydrogen form.
Tulsion® 335 (Polacrilex) is uesd for various applications in pharmaceutical formulations for taste masking of wide range of bitter drug molecules.
Tulsion® 335 (Polacrilex) is used in dosage forms like liquid oral suspension, tablets, dry syrups etc.
This product is manufactured under GMP at an FDA approved, ISO 9001:2000 & ISO 14001 certified facility.
Type : Weak Acid Cation exchange resin
Matrix structure : Cross linked polystyrene copolymer
Functional group : Carboxylic
Physical form : White to pale cream free flowing powder
Ionic form : Hydrogen
Particle size (ASTM) : < 100=1% max
Moisture contents (approx) : 10 % max.
pH range : 0 to 14
Solubility : Insoluble in all common solvents
Total exchange capacity : 10.00 meq/dry gram minm.
The sampling and testing of ion exchange resins is done as per standard testing procedures, namely
ASTMD-2187 and IS-7330, 1998.
Super sacks 1000 liters Super sacks 35 cft
MS drums 180 liters Fiber drums 7 cft
HDPE lined bags 25 liters HDPE lined bags 1 cft
For Handling, Safety and Storage requirements please refer to the individual Material Safety Data Sheets available at our offices. The data included herein are based on test information obtained by Thermax Limited. These data are believed to be reliable, but do not imply any warranty or performance guarantee. Tolerances for characteristics are as per BIS/ASTM. We recommend that the user should determine the performance of the product by testing on own processing equipment.
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- 杜笙树脂Tulsimer-科海思(北京)科技有限公司全国唯一代理商
- 地址:孝感 孝感市城站路百佳宏业2栋1单元708室
- 邮编:432100
- 电话:0712-2108797
- 经理:罗萍
- 手机:13003804421
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- QQ:466526783
- Email:466526783@qq.com